Updated November, 23 2023


Log Analytics workspace and Data collection rule can be used for monitoring the instance of Liberatii Gateway. For this, choose the component Log Analytics workspace in the managed resource group of deployment. Then select tab logs. There you can query data from Syslog:


To use the Data collection rule, choose this component in the managed resource group. Then go to the Data source tab and select Performance Counters. There you can set necessary items and rates.


To save changes, click on Next and then Save buttons. After this back to Log Analytics (as described before) and then query Pref instead of Syslog:


The visualization of query results can be found on the tab Chart:



WARNING: It requires some time to make info accessible in Log Analytics. So there could be a delay between doing some action on VM and their reflection in results of querying Syslog or/and Pref.