Updated November, 23 2023

Azure Deployment#

We now use a preview audience list to allow access to our offer before it’s published live in the online stores. To have the ability to deploy Liberatii Gateway software on Azure, you have to contact us and share your subscription ID with us. It lets us include it in the preview list and make it visible for you to use. As soon as it’s done, you can use the following instructions to deploy Liberatii Gateway.

Here is the start page of the app. To create Liberatii Gateway for Oracle Apps, click on the button Create.


On the Basic tab, point to general information about subscriptions, resource groups, regions, etc. Use information hints to get more info. Examples of filling in the fields are in the screenshot below.


To go to specific parameters, press the button Next : Liberatii Gateway settings >

On the next tab, it is needed to fill in VM parameters. They are self-understandable, and info hints can be used to get the details.

Info about PostgreSQL database parameters is designed to support two variants of configuration.

One is using a preliminary configured database server. In this case, no PostgreSQL db server will be created. The following fields Host, Username, Password, Confirm password, Infoquery User, Password, Confirm password, and Database name, should be filled in according to the result of the configuration of the database server that was done before (preliminary) by a DBA. Also, Azure Database for PostgreSQL parameters should be set to None.

Another variant is for deploying Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server to be used with Liberatii Gateway. In this case, Azure Database for PostgreSQL parameters should be set to Standard_B2s, Database Name should be set to postgres, and credentials of User and Infoquery User could be the same.

The Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set parameters can be set to None. It means that for Liberatii Gateway, the virtual machine will be deployed. To use the virtual machine scale set for LGW, choose any other value where the number is the number of instances of VMSS.

Examples of filling in the fields to deploy Liberatii Gateway with Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set and Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server are on the screenshot below.


After all preparation click on the button Next : Review + create >.

The next tab contains brief info about deployment to review.


It needs to agree to the terms and conditions and press the button Create to start the deployment process.


When the deployment completes, the following page will appear. Click on the button Go to resource to navigate components of the deployment.


Then click on Parameters and Outputs to see the details of deployment or the Managed resource group link to see all components of deployment.


Here is an example of the Parameters and Outputs tab:


This is an example of a Managed resource group page:
